Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral


Parish of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
165 Park Drive, Boston, MA 02215 / 617.262.9490
The Right Reverend Benedict, Bishop of Hartford and New England
Rev. Robert M. Arida, Interim Priest
Protodeacon Theodore Feldman
Deacon Michael Arida


Founded in 1910 by immigrants from the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires, the Cathedral was the spiritual and cultural haven of those facing the risks, challenges and opportunities of the American experience.

Like other parishes in North America, Holy Trinity Cathedral has evolved from an ethnic community to one that opens its doors to all seeking the life in Christ.  Presently over 50% of the adult membership is comprised of converts who, to a large extent, were drawn to Orthodox Christianity through the Cathedral's rich liturgical cycle.

It is corporate prayer that forms the core of parish life.  It is corporate prayer which has provided the most vibrant venue for evangelical outreach in the urban environment.  Consequently, every facet of Cathedral life stems from its commitment to coming together as a community of prayer.  Through this commitment the parish strives to reveal and proclaim the Gospel of new and eternal life.  From its liturgical content, culminating in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, the Cathedral continuously seeks to draw others into its living experience of God's inaugurated and transfigured kingdom.  It is this reality, founded on and centered in Jesus Christ, that compels the Cathedral parish to identify itself as a community of prayer and also as a community of learning.


Christian Education

Because learning is fundamental to Christian formation, church school and adult education are vital complements to liturgical worship. 

Church school for elementary school students meets on Saturdays before the Vigil service. Due to the integration of church school and Vigil, the students have the opportunity to experience the interrelationship of learning and worship. In addition, elementary students meet before the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings to review the Gospel lesson for the day.

Middle school and high school church school classes meet on scheduled Sundays after the Divine Liturgy. Adult Education meets on Sundays during the coffee hour, while the Rector's Seminar is held on a weekday after Vespers. The Seminar is comprised of Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians and focuses on reading and discussing Scriptural, patristic and modern theological texts.


Fellowship - Coffee Hour

Our coffee hour is a time of fellowship and sharing for the broader HTOC community. As one visitor recently said, β€œOne wonderful thing about your church is that no one wants to leave.” Because we are a commuter parish, it is so important for us to share a meal and to spend time in discussion and mutual encouragement.