Articles and Talks

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Fr. Robert M. Arida

Pascha Letter 2021

Our COVID-19 Sojourn

Personhood, Inequality and Economics

Reflection on Pentecost

Reflection on Master’s hospitality

Reflection on Faith, Reason and the Eucharist

Parish Letter on Separation

A reflection on the Church in the Political Arena

Letter for the Nativity of Our Lord

Reflection: Baptism, Eucharist and the Christian Community

Pascha Letter

Forgiveness Sunday

The Moscow Council of 1917/1918 and The American Orthodox Contribution

Ecclesial Freedom and the Psychological Wholeness of the Person: Father Alexander Schmemann's Approach to Liturgical Theology

Response to the Pre-Conciliar Document on Marriage and Its Impediments

How to Expand the Mission

Never-Changing Gospel; Ever-Changing Culture

Ecclesial Existence, Divine Compassion, and Human Healing in the Short Stories by Anton Chekhov

Introductory Remarks to Father Georges Florovsky's Faith and Culture

Rector's Reflection: The Challenge of Pluralism

Christian Asceticism: The Recovery of Emotions and Feelings

Most Christians Are Not Born (By Metropolitan George [Khodr] of Mount Lebanon; translated with introduction by Fr. Robert Arida)

Reflections on Truth and Freedom in Christ

In Memory of Protopresbyter John Meyendorff

The Rite of Confession

The Church as New Creation

Response to Myself

Gleanings from Father Georges Florovsky's "On the Substantiation of Logical Relativism"

Meditation on Sacred Space

The Ascetical Life

On "The Slyness of Reason" by Father Georges Florovsky:

A Vision for Orthodox Christians in America (Interview with Fr. John Meyendorff, with introduction by Fr. Robert Arida)

Theological Education (Commencement Address, St Herman's Theological Seminary, May 30, 2010)

Anton Chekhov: Atheist, Agnostic, or Struggling Orthodox Christian?

Another Look at the Solid Iconostasis in the Russian Orthodox Church

Manifestations of "Orthodox" Ecclesiology

The Great Church of Constantinople: History, Architecture, and Liturgical Challenges

Worship and the Church

Liturgy and Evangelization

Problems of Orthodoxy in America (A retrospective of Fr. Alexander Schmemann's Analysis of Orthodox Spirituality in America)

On the Eucharistic Basis of Prayer:

Reflections on Ministry and Liturgical Life

On Church


other writings

Metropolitan Theodosius' Message on "Sanctity of Life" Sunday

Liturgy and Space (by Inga Leonova)

Interview with Archbishop Nikon in The Boston Globe

Orthodox Architecture in the New Century (by Inga Leonova)

Man as Homo adorans (by Inga Leonova)

Ecology and Orthodoxy (by Inga Leonova)

Dunia, Fool-for-Christ (by Hugh Olmsted)

Expression of Love (by Dr. Olga Strakhov)