Please note that this page contains external links and is updated infrequently. If you notice a broken link, kindly report it to our webmaster.
Orthodox Websites and Portals
Orthodox Church in America
The Orthodox Church in America maintains a very thorough web site, including directories of OCA parishes, institutions, and clergy. The web site contains a wealth of other information: news, photos, current events, and all kinds of liturgical resources including liturgical music downloads.
Orthodoxy in America
This site provides a map and links to most Orthodox Christian parishes and institutions in North America.
A peer-reviewed blog produced by the Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University.
Holy Trinity Cathedral - San Francisco
Some of our parishioners have visited another Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, this one located in San Francisco. You can read about their bell collection, and also of interest is their web page devoted to Fr. Alexander Schmemann. You may find some of the obituaries written about that faithful servant of God especially interesting. Don't miss the one written by his wife, Matushka Julianna Schmemann, to the students of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary shortly after his death.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
The Diocese of Sourozh maintains a very comprehensive website in English and in Russian devoted to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. It contains, among other resources, a large collection of Met. Anthony's sermons and talks.
Multimedia Links
For Our Time: The Spirit of Saint Vladimir's
A link to the video on YouTube for the CBS documentary For Our Time: The Spirit of Saint Vladimir's, which had been released in memory of Fr. Alexander Schmemann in 1984.
Apostle of Love: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
A four-part Russian documentary, Apostle of Love, about Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. It is narrated in Russian, but was filmed in England, and you can usually hear the English speakers in the background.
Metropolitan Anthony: Spiritual Talks
A collection of YouTube links to talks and sermons given by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (in Russian).
Coffee with Sister Vassa
Coffee with Sister Vassa is a ten-minute weekly program on YouTube, hosted by Sister Vassa Larin, a nun of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and liturgiologist at the University of Vienna in Austria. The program offers an engaging reflection on the Orthodox Church calendar of the current week, including the lives of the Saints, scriptural passages, the Orthodox liturgical tradition, and a light dose of humor.