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The Holy Trinity, icon by Mirra Meylakh
The veneration of icons is an essential part of Orthodox worship. The word icon comes from the Greek word eikōn, which means "image." By venerating the icons of Christ, the Theotokos, and the saints, the Church asserts its belief in the Incarnation of the Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ, and in the deification of man made possible by the Incarnation.
Our parish is blessed to be home to a number of talented iconographers.
Mirra Meylakh
Mirra Meylakh was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and emigrated with her family to the United States in 1978. In 1982, she began studying iconography in Boston, at St. Vladimir's Seminary, and in London.
In 1988, Mirra visited Russia, where she met her future mentor, Sergei Ivanovich Golubev. Until his untimely death in 2008, Golubev was the head of the icon restoration workshop at the Russian Museum, a well-known restorer and wonderful iconographer with a vast and thorough knowledge and understanding of iconography. Mirra became his devoted student, and for twenty years spent every summer in St. Petersburg, working daily in his workshop. She maintained close contact with Golubev and says that she had tried to "painstakingly draw from the ocean of his wisdom."
To view galleries of Mirra's icons, click on the images below.
mosaics of the iconostasis
The mosaics for the Holy Trinity iconostasis were commissioned in 1968 from Baron Nicholas B. Meyendorff, an iconographer residing in Vienna, Austria. Special collections were taken to cover the cost of each mosaic icon. In June of 1969 Nicholas Meyendorff unexpectedly passed away, and the mosaics that had already been started were completed by his daughter Helen. Ten out of the planned twelve mosaics of the Apostles were eventually completed and installed.